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May 25, 2017

How the Talent Crunch Is Affecting the Middle Market

Mid-size companies today face significant challenges when it comes to finding, retaining and training qualified employees. The talent gap isn’t unique to mid-size companies, but it can have a more significant impact on businesses at this stage of growth because they must compete with larger companies to attract and keep talented employees. The talent gap can affect businesses in a number of ways, from decreased quality and customer service to lower job satisfaction among executives who find themselves buried in mundane tasks out of necessity.

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Topics: Middle Market, Leadership

February 16, 2017

How CFOs Can Successfully Navigate Their Changing Role Within the Organization

The CFO role is changing and those that embrace that change will successfully grow their companies. Last week, we identified five challenges we see for CFOs in 2017.  As the first blog in this series, we will help you anticipate and navigate the risks and opportunities the year brings.

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Topics: Proactively Guiding, CFO, Leadership

February 09, 2017

Top 5 Middle Market CFO Challenges for 2017

I can safely say that, so far, 2017 has been anything but dull. With a new administration in place, our clients and you as well, are likely watching the political and business drama unfold and wondering what effect it will have on your business and how to plan for growth in the future. 

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Topics: Anticipatory, CFO, Leadership

January 05, 2017

Guides to Running a Better Business: 2016 Waypoints Blogs

During the past year, the HORNE PMM team has written about many of the challenges that companies in the public and middle market face. We've tried to provide straightforward, practical information that you can use immediately. Sometimes we examine the macro environment and sometimes we discuss the details. We always strive to make it relevant to your situation.

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Topics: Business Planning, Leadership

June 30, 2016

Data Breach Cost Rises: Are You Secure?

Forbes just reported that “the average cost of a data breach has reached $4 million, up 30% from 2013.” The article shows that time is of the essence when measuring the costs a breach may inflict. For example, if the breach is identified in less than 100 days, the cost is averages a mere $3.23 million while those that were undiscovered until after 100 days could cost an average of $4.38 million for repairs and reparations. What a difference a few days can make when it comes to controlling the costs associated with repairing the damage of a data breach.

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Topics: Data Breach, Leadership