July 19, 2018

Getting it Right: Traits of Effective Physician Compensation Models

As value-based payment models gain traction, healthcare organizations are feeling pressure to control costs and improve the quality of patient care, all at a time when the supply of physicians is falling short of demand.

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Topics: Physician Compensation, Value-Based Care

July 12, 2018

How Will You Win the War for Physician Talent?

Competition for physicians is already heated. It’s about to get scorching. Demand is on a trajectory to drastically outpace supply, with a projected shortage of up to 120,000 physicians by 2030, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.

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Topics: Physician Compensation

July 03, 2018

CMS Quality Payment Program Performance Feedback is Available

If you were an eligible clinician (EC) that submitted 2017 performance data for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) through the Quality Payment Program (QPP) website, you can review your final performance feedback, including your final score and payment adjustment information.

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Topics: APMs, MIPS CMS

June 07, 2018

How To Find the Upside in Downside Risk

Wary of factors that are outside their control, almost two-thirds of healthcare leaders would rather bail out of their accountable care organizations (ACO) than make the leap to a model that includes downside risk.

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Topics: Value-Based Care

April 27, 2018

7 Ways Hospitals Can Use CHNAs to Improve Health and Wellness of Communities

The Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) can be much more than a regulatory obligation for nonprofit and governmental hospitals. Done well, a CHNA can strengthen the hospital’s position as a provider of choice. It can also elevate the hospital beyond its historical role as a provider of sick care to a hub for health and wellness services in the community.

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Topics: CHNA, Hospital Management

March 29, 2018

MedPAC to Congress: Replace MIPS With Voluntary Value Program

Congress should repeal MIPS and replace it with a new Voluntary Value Program (VVP), according to a report released recently by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), the independent advisory agency tasked with making recommendations on Medicare policy.

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Topics: Payment Models, MIPS Healthcare, MedPAC

March 26, 2018

Bipartisan Budget Act Taps the Brakes on MIPS—But Don’t Slow Down!

The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (BBA18), signed by President Trump on February 9, includes several provisions that will affect healthcare providers’ Medicare reimbursement—in both positive and negative ways.

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Topics: Payment Models, MACRA

March 06, 2018

Moving the Needle on the Triple Aim

Charles Darwin might have been talking about the world of healthcare when he said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

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Topics: Triple Aim Healthcare

February 16, 2018

CMS Bundled Payment Train Back on Track. Should You Board?

After scaling back its two mandatory bundled payment programs last year, CMS recently signaled that the value-based payment train remains on track for the current administration.

Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI-A) opened to applicants on January 11. With the application deadline of March 12, 2018, just around the corner, the pressure is on to decide whether your hospital or physician group practice is going to participate.

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Topics: Physician Compensation, Payment Models

January 04, 2018

MedPAC and OIG Weigh in on MACRA

The month of December saw additional and important communications from two watchdog groups on the subject of the Medicare and CHIP Reinvestment Act (MACRA) of 2015.

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Topics: MedPAC, MACRA

December 28, 2017

What Your Peers Couldn’t Read Enough of on Our Blog

The healthcare industry has experienced monumental shifts in 2017—changes in policy, regulations, technology and mergers that make it difficult to keep up. That’s why our goal is simple: To help our clients anticipate, adapt and take advantage of a transforming industry to accelerate their growth.

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Topics: healthcare

December 20, 2017

UPDATE: Finalized Bill Softens Blow to Hospitals and Other Tax-Exempt Organizations

Last week, we provided a high-level overview of components that would directly affect healthcare. With the finalized tax bill passed today, we have updated those components to include results of the final bill.


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Topics: Tax Reform

December 14, 2017

House and Senate Tax Bills Could Deliver a Huge Blow to Hospitals and Other Tax-Exempt Organizations

From lowering corporate taxes to health insurance mandates to the impact on the middle class, there are many headlines out there related to the recently passed House and Senate tax bills.

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Topics: Tax Planning, Tax Reform