July 20, 2017

The IRS Isn't the Only One Monitoring Your Exempt Hospital

As discussed in my previous blog post, the IRS is ramping up compliance audits of governmental hospitals who are exempt under 501(c)3. However, the IRS isn’t the only one monitoring your tax-exempt hospital. Other organizations have started policing these requirements.

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Topics: Affordable Care Act Summary, CHNA, Hospital Management

March 23, 2017

2 Best Approaches to Determine FMV of a Healthcare Timeshare Agreement

Consider a small U.S. town that doesn't have local access to a cardiologist. The community can't support one on a full-time basis, so the hospital brings in a cardiologist twice a month. The physician pays to use the hospital's facilities, equipment, support staff and nurses during those two days. Patients are able to access the specialized care they need without having to travel, and the physician pays only for the space and support that he or she needs.

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Topics: Hospital Valuation, Healthcare Facilities, What is Fair Market Value, Hospital Management

December 15, 2016

4 Tips to Keep Healthcare Consumers Happy and Loyal

Last week, I had the privilege of attending the Health Care Advisory Board’s National Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. One of the topics that really struck me was the last presentation about the importance of building a consumer-focused organization and increasing consumer loyalty.

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Topics: Patient Care, Value-Based Care, Hospital Management

September 22, 2016

Implementing New Revenue Recognition Standards? We Have Plenty of Time–Right?

Is the following statement true or false? The new revenue recognition standards will have only a minimal effect on my accounting practices and policies.

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Topics: Accounting in Healthcare, Hospital Management

June 09, 2016

The Value Added C-Suite

For the C-Suite to become value added, the C-Suite level executives must become value added leaders within the organization. Senior leadership must learn how to recruit, train, nurture, maintain and retain these value added individuals.  For an organization to do more than just survive – to succeed, it must anticipate its customers’ needs and adjust its direction and momentum so that it is providing what the customer needs in a timelier fashion than its competition. Becoming an anticipatory organization guided by visionary leader is essential for growth. 

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Topics: Hospital Management

March 24, 2016

Is Your System Heading for Success or a Crash?

I recently saw an excellent example of offering appropriate care in the appropriate setting when I reviewed my new HORNE healthcare plan. HORNE is offering a new program called “MD Live.” For the first time, our insurance will cover employees who consult a doctor remotely by using a phone, tablet or computer. The next time I feel a cold or the flu coming on, I can visit with a doctor and get the treatment I need without traveling to the doctor’s office. 

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Topics: Healthcare Quality, Population Health, Patient Care, Hospital Management

October 15, 2015

5 Steps to Realizing Value in a Clinical Co-Management Agreement

Healthcare reform has undoubtedly created more integrated delivery and payment models based on a culture of quality-focused and cost-efficient clinical management. In one example, many healthcare systems have begun implementing clinical co-management arrangements (“CCMAs”) to accomplish the physician alignment and integration required to achieve these goals. 

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Topics: Clinical Integration, Hospital Management

March 26, 2015

Topics: Hospital Management

December 30, 2014

Resources to Help Healthcare Leaders Plan for Success in 2015

Nearly a year ago, we started our conversation on this blog about the big ideas and important news driving big changes in healthcare delivery. There are many challenges to face, but also many opportunities that can be mined. It’s an exciting and pivotal time for healthcare leaders and our goal remains the same as we approach 2015: to help our clients meet the future armed with the information that matters.

As you look toward leading your organization into the new year, here is a resource center of articles to help you move your workplace culture forward, note important regulatory deadlines and stay compliant, and secure patient health information (PHI). We look forward to continuing to bring you the resources you need to make informed decisions that protect and grow your organization. Happy New Year from our team to yours!

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Topics: Hospital Management

October 09, 2014

Why GASB 68 is a Financial Priority for Governmental Hospitals

A major change to pension plan reporting takes place in fiscal year 2015 that could become a significant headache for governmental hospitals if they don’t get started now preparing for it. The ramifications of GASB 68 are substantial enough without the stress of waiting too long to prepare. Here’s why: 

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Topics: Hospital Valuation, Healthcare Facilities, Health Care Audit, Hospital Management

September 11, 2014

What Kind of Health Care Leader are You?

Leadership at health care organizations is being tested like never before. The move away from fee-for-service (FFS) to a patient outcome based model means management has to get clinical care teams collaborating in a whole new way. Your leadership style and the culture you help create within your organization will be the deciding factor in determining whether your facility survives, and potentially thrives, in this new dynamic.

So, no pressure. Just the success of your organization riding on your shoulders.

The good news is that if you are reading this it means that you recognize the importance of being a great leader and seek out information to build your skills. Half the battle is being aware that you have a management style and committing to building on what is working and improving what is not.

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Topics: Hospital Management

August 07, 2014

Hospital CFOs Still Seeking Clarity About Allina DSH

Are you wondering about the status of your Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments in light of the recent Allina DSH court ruling? You’re not alone.  An April 2014 ruling from a U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld a previous ruling that a Health and Human Services (HHS) rule change in 2004 (codified in 2007) was procedurally defective. The lawsuit had to do with a rule change the HHS made to determine DSH payments in 2007. The hospitals claimed there was not proper notification. Although the court ruled favorably for the hospitals, what happens next is still unknown. 

The appeals court included instructions in the ruling that gave the HHS room to reach the same policy decision through administrative adjudication. The bad news for providers is that adjudicatory findings can be applied retroactively. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has not yet issued a definitive guideline on how to retrofit the reimbursement fractions for the years in question. 

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Topics: Affordable Care Act Summary, Payment Models, Hospital Management