January 23, 2020

Recent CMS Rulings Simplify Payments for Transitional Care Management

In recent years, the use of care management services to provide better patient outcomes has gained momentum. Contributing to this momentum is a desire to generate greater transparency around patient behaviors in Post-Acute Care settings. This setting was the first focus area for the creation of care management services.

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Topics: Physician Compensation, Patient Care, Managed Care Organization, CMS

November 07, 2017

15 Takeaways You'll Want to Know From the QPP Year 2 Final Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued on November 2nd its final rule with comment period for the MACRA Quality Payment Program (QPP) Year 2. With a continued focus on providing flexibility and reducing administrative burdens, CMS listened to stakeholders’ concerns and challenges by promising to:

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Topics: Quality Payment Program, MIPS and MACRA, QPP, CMS