July 27, 2017

Is It Time to Transition From CCMAs to APMs?

A Bridge for Healthcare Reform

Over the past decade, clinical co-management arrangements (CCMAs) have risen in popularity as a means to achieve a more integrated care delivery model. CCMAs have often been touted as an interim strategy to bridge hospitals to newer emerging models, but many hospitals have yet to cross that bridge.

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Topics: Healthcare Reform, Payment Models, APMs

March 31, 2017

3 Insights from AHLA’s Institute on Medicare & Medicaid Payment Issues

Last week’s sudden pull of the American Health Care Act from House vote caused uncertainty around what’s next for the healthcare industry. This week, the AHLA Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues, brought together key representatives from CMS, hospital associations and healthcare lawyers from around the nation. Here are three Medicare/Medicaid insights on current and upcoming issues:

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Topics: Healthcare Reform

February 24, 2017

5 Key Takeaways From the ACLC/HIMSS17 Joint Conference

For the 1st time ever, HIMSS (the annual meeting place for all things health IT) and ACLC (Accountable Care Learning Collaborative) held a joint conference, in Orlando, Florida.  Suffice it to say it was a HUGE (no pun intended, Mr. President) event with over 40,000 (yes, 40K) attendees and 1,200+ exhibiting companies. 

The main topic—transforming healthcare. 

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Topics: Fee-for-Service, Healthcare Reform

January 05, 2017

Medicare-Medicaid ACO Model: Urge Your State to Apply by Jan. 20

January 20 is a significant date for healthcare providers—but not necessarily for the reason you think.

Yes, there is the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, who has vowed to “repeal and replace” the most significant healthcare legislation in recent history.

But that date has even greater significance for the many providers across the country who are struggling to cover the cost of care of an increasingly high-risk, low-income population.

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Topics: Healthcare Reform, APMs, MIPS and MACRA, MIPS CMS

March 04, 2016

Are You Ready to Capitalize on New Opportunities in Healthcare Transformation?

Bundled payments. Volume-to-value. Cost accounting. Process improvement. Patient engagement. Population health. Organizational leadership.

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Topics: Healthcare Quality, Population Health, Healthcare Reform, Cost Accounting

July 31, 2015

Medicare Turns 50 Amidst Serious Challenges

Medicare turns 50 this week with a number of substantial challenges in its future, and its overall success may be one of the largest contributing factors. When Medicare was created in 1965, nearly half of all seniors in the United States were uninsured. The program covers 55 million people today, providing medical care to one in every six Americans.

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Topics: Population Health, Healthcare Reform

May 07, 2015

The SGR Fix: Now What?

On April 16, 2015, President Obama signed the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act into law, which repealed the much-maligned sustainable growth rate formula. Physicians are breathing a sigh of relief as the SGR repeal prevented steep reimbursement cuts that have been threatening physicians since the late 1990s. Now that the focus is off SGR, physicians and policy makers can shift focus to new patient care models that are supported under MACRA.

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Topics: Healthcare Reform