March 23, 2017

2 Best Approaches to Determine FMV of a Healthcare Timeshare Agreement

Consider a small U.S. town that doesn't have local access to a cardiologist. The community can't support one on a full-time basis, so the hospital brings in a cardiologist twice a month. The physician pays to use the hospital's facilities, equipment, support staff and nurses during those two days. Patients are able to access the specialized care they need without having to travel, and the physician pays only for the space and support that he or she needs.

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Topics: Hospital Valuation, Healthcare Facilities, What is Fair Market Value, Hospital Management

December 06, 2016

My Hospital is Losing Millions on Physician Practices—Part Two

We described in the previous installment in this series how recent case law and DOJ settlements provide clear evidence of the position of qui tam relators, prosecutors, and government experts that losses on hospital operation of physician practices are being targeted. Because evidence suggests that hospital losses on physician practices are common in many markets, the questions on everyone’s mind are whether health system losses on physician practices put the organization and key individuals at significant fraud and abuse compliance risk, to what degree can existing physician practice losses be justified through documentation, whether the health system has a functional Fair Market Value (FMV) and Commercial Reasonableness (CR) enterprise risk management process, and—the subject of this series--is a plan at the ready to begin mitigating practice losses?

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Topics: Hospital Valuation, Quality Payment Program, MIPS and MACRA, MIPS Healthcare

December 04, 2014

Don’t Miss the Value of Hospital-Based Physicians

In earlier days of hospital-based physician coverage, specialties were mostly limited to radiology, pathology, anesthesiology, and emergency medicine. As the hospitalist specialty developed, more hospitals began contracting for inpatient coverage to provide a broader continuum of care. Later, additional specialties, including pediatric hospitalists, intensivists, nocturnists, laborists, surgicalists, and neonatologists, grew in popularity.

Coverage by hospital-based physicians can be based on shifts or hourly or daily coverage, and can extend to multiple facilities and hospital departments. Coverage can include restricted and unrestricted on-call coverage as part of the arrangement. In addition, administrative responsibilities, quality improvement, and program development are often required.

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Topics: Hospital Valuation, Quality Improvement, Physician Compensation

October 09, 2014

Why GASB 68 is a Financial Priority for Governmental Hospitals

A major change to pension plan reporting takes place in fiscal year 2015 that could become a significant headache for governmental hospitals if they don’t get started now preparing for it. The ramifications of GASB 68 are substantial enough without the stress of waiting too long to prepare. Here’s why: 

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Topics: Hospital Valuation, Healthcare Facilities, Health Care Audit, Hospital Management

August 28, 2014

Non-compliance with Stark Law Costs Big

On August 14, 2014, the U.S. Department of Justice reported a $1.3 million settlement between New York Heart Center, a New York cardiology group practice, and the United States government to resolve allegations that the practice violated the Physician Self-Referral (Stark) Law and the False Claims Act by "knowingly compensating its physicians in a manner that violated federal law."

The unique nature of services furnished by health care professionals and the possible conflicts of interest arising from financial arrangements between providers has resulted in laws and regulations that differ dramatically from other industries, like the Stark Law. The law was intended to ensure that a physician’s medical judgment is not compromised by improper financial incentives that encourage internal referrals of certain services known as Designated Health Services for Medicare patients.

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Topics: Hospital Valuation

July 31, 2014

Maximizing the Value of the Lawyer/Appraiser Working Relationship

Given the continued flurry of activity in hospital-physician financial arrangements and increased enforcement activity, hospital system CEOs and in-house and outside counsel all have a vested interest in getting optimal value from the working relationship between the health care valuation analyst and legal counsel.

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Topics: Hospital Valuation