November 07, 2017

15 Takeaways You'll Want to Know From the QPP Year 2 Final Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued on November 2nd its final rule with comment period for the MACRA Quality Payment Program (QPP) Year 2. With a continued focus on providing flexibility and reducing administrative burdens, CMS listened to stakeholders’ concerns and challenges by promising to:

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Topics: Quality Payment Program, MIPS and MACRA, QPP, CMS

November 03, 2017

House Tax Reform Details Unveiled

The House Ways and Means Committee just released the details of their tax reform bill and will start hearings next week. The Senate Finance Committee will roll out their companion legislation in the next couple weeks.

Many of the provisions are similar to those of the joint framework released in late September. However, now we have more specifics, albeit with many gaps still remaining.

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Topics: Tax, Tax Reform

October 26, 2017

MedPAC on MIPS: What You Need to Know Now

MIPS is, and always was, a short-term strategy. The MACRA architects designed the Merit-based Incentive Payment System as a stepping stone to participation in Advanced Alternative Payment Models (AAPMs), which they envisioned as the better avenue to improve population health and bring down costs.

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Topics: MIPS and MACRA, MedPAC

October 19, 2017

Employers Are Catalyzing Payment Model Reform; Are You with Them?

Employers increasingly are holding providers accountable for outcomes, and providers that can’t adapt will have a hard time competing.

As they continue to seek solutions to rising healthcare cost, employers are working with providers and health systems to optimize the value of their healthcare spend through options such as onsite care clinics, wellness programs, and value-based payment models for healthcare.

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Topics: Payment Models, APMs

September 29, 2017

Tax Reform Starts to Take Shape

After fits and starts over the last nine months, a broad tax reform plan is now beginning to emerge between Congress and the White House.

On Wednesday, an agreed upon framework was unveiled. While this is a mere starting point, some of the major guideposts are now known. The next step will be committee work and hearings before the House Ways and Means panel commencing in October.

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Topics: Healthcare Reform Trump

September 26, 2017

MACRA Deadline: It’s Not Too Late to Avoid a Negative Payment Adjustment

In earlier blogs on MACRA, we’ve discussed a series of topics, including the flexibility in the first reporting year 2017 and the “Pick Your Pace” option in MIPS.

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Topics: MACRA Summary

September 15, 2017

CMS May Want Their Money Back

The old adage, "Money can make you do crazy things," can easily be applied to both our personal and business lives. Within the healthcare industry, HITECH incentive payments were offered by the U.S. government several years ago to implement electronic health record (EHR) systems at hospitals and other healthcare organizations. In order to qualify for these incentive payments, healthcare organizations were required to carry out regular security risk assessments to show they were meeting the HIPAA Security Rule requirements. While a large number of healthcare organizations properly followed the rules and carried out the security risk assessment required, a select number received the incentives without doing so.

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Topics: Electronic Health Records

September 01, 2017

Are Your Medical Devices Secure?

If your hospital or clinic uses a Windows 7-based version of a Siemens PET/CT or SPECT system, it could be vulnerable to attack by a relatively low-skill hacker, according to a July 26 security advisory from the company.

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Topics: Electronic Health Records

August 25, 2017

Why Your Hospital or Physician Practice Must Embrace Risk

Risk tolerance is an interesting thing. Those who make the biggest bets often are actually control freaks—maybe because they know that, by having a strong grasp on the factors that influence the deal, they greatly increase the likelihood that they will come out ahead.

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Topics: Value-Based Care, Cost Accounting, MACRA Summary

August 17, 2017

What Small Medical Groups Need to Know About Virtual Groups - Part 2

By banding together into what CMS has termed “virtual groups,” solo practitioners and small medical groups can take advantage of significant flexibility currently available to help them succeed in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).

In Part 1 of this series, we answered some FAQs about these MIPS virtual groups. In Part 2, we share items to consider before joining a virtual group.

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Topics: APMs, MIPS Healthcare, MACRA Summary

August 03, 2017

What Small Medical Groups Need to Know About Virtual Groups for MIPS Reporting – Part 1

Small physician groups and solo practitioners take heart: CMS wants you to be successful in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) without having to merge or be acquired.

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Topics: APMs, MIPS Healthcare

July 27, 2017

Is It Time to Transition From CCMAs to APMs?

A Bridge for Healthcare Reform

Over the past decade, clinical co-management arrangements (CCMAs) have risen in popularity as a means to achieve a more integrated care delivery model. CCMAs have often been touted as an interim strategy to bridge hospitals to newer emerging models, but many hospitals have yet to cross that bridge.

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Topics: Healthcare Reform, Payment Models, APMs

July 20, 2017

The IRS Isn't the Only One Monitoring Your Exempt Hospital

As discussed in my previous blog post, the IRS is ramping up compliance audits of governmental hospitals who are exempt under 501(c)3. However, the IRS isn’t the only one monitoring your tax-exempt hospital. Other organizations have started policing these requirements.

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Topics: Affordable Care Act Summary, CHNA, Hospital Management