July 30, 2014

How Do Economic Progress and a Cup of Coffee Go Together?

Berkeley, California in the 1960s was a radical place. The vibrant, politically active culture would inspire future generations to challenge the status quo and stand up for their beliefs. It was during this charged, forward thinking era that a Dutchman named Alfred Peet opened a small store in Berkeley selling coffee beans. 

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Topics: Community Banking

July 23, 2014

Am I Paying Too Much for This Deal?

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A’s) represent a great opportunity to increase the value of your bank and to achieve quick growth. For those reasons, there continues to be a rise in the number of M&A deals.

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Topics: Risk Assessment, Hospital Acquisition

July 16, 2014

Positive Outlook is a Choice

Psychologists estimate that roughly 80% of your day is filled with negative thoughts. In the current economic and regulatory environment, it might seem like 100% for bank executives!

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Topics: Culture, Bank Growth

July 10, 2014

Winning with Big Data

Data is more prevalent than ever, but according to a report from EMC and Forrester Research organizations are just starting to scratch the surface with only utilizing less than 5% of their available information. The biggest barrier holding organizations back is cost of implementation.

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Topics: Healthcare Data, Fintech

July 03, 2014

The Big Deal About Big Data

Make no mistake; Big Data is the business/technology/marketing buzzword of recent years. Ironic, because there’s so much debate about what that term means and even more discussion about what you can do with it.

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Topics: Healthcare Data, Fintech

June 25, 2014

Considerations for Board Membership Tenure

Do you want to have one of those awkward board room discussions? If so, bring up the topic of board member term limits. As I type this I can hear my two girls in their high pitch voices saying…awkward!

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Topics: Bank Trends, Bank Growth

June 19, 2014

Who Owns Your Tax Refund?

Are you among the multitude of banks that have faced the question “Does our tax refund belong to the bank or holding company?” Well, on Friday, June 13, Federal regulators issued final supplemental guidance on income tax allocation agreements involving holding companies and insured depository institutions. The issuance represents regulators’ efforts to eliminate confusion and bring closure to the debate around the ownership of tax refunds. 

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Topics: Regulations, Tax

May 28, 2014

Is There a Correlation Between Board Engagement and High Performance?

As a Board member, am I highly engaged in my bank’s activities or am I focused on the basic requirements? As the overall banking environment continues to evolve and as regulations remain high, board members can offer insight that is very impactful.

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Topics: Bank Growth, Leadership

May 07, 2014

Their Compensation is What?

We have discussed five key components to consider in an incentive compensation plan. The viewpoints addressed in that blog and the increased scrutiny placed on bank executive compensation made in an article in the Wall Street Journal really stand out in its contrast. It pointed out that, on average, bank regulators make more than bankers. Not just a little more. The average bank regulator earns 2.7 times more than the average private banker.  And this multiple has been increasing since the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010. 

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Topics: Bank Trends, Culture

April 30, 2014

How to Preserve Bank Identity During M&A

In today’s banking environment, new challenges surfacing with the slowly improving interest rates are requiring more focus on interest rate and liquidity risks.

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Topics: Hospital Acquisition, Bank Growth

April 02, 2014

It’s 2AM, Do You Know Who’s On Your Network?

In light of the recent data breach at Target, IT risk buzz words are swirling the banking industry, and rightly so. The cost of a security breach can cripple any business and, certainly, a financial institution. 

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Topics: Risk Assessment, Healthcare Data

March 19, 2014

How to Fix Potholes in Banking

I was recently heading home on I-40 from Nashville and couldn’t believe all the potholes. The cold winter in middle and west Tennessee has wreaked havoc on the roads, and I found myself continuously dodging potholes so I could have a smooth, comfortable ride home. 

About 50 miles from my exit, traffic came to a screeching halt. After sitting in what had become a huge parking lot for about 10 minutes, traffic began to move very slowly for the next few miles. I was anxious to get home and was seriously annoyed. 

When I finally got close enough to see what caused the delay, I realized it was a road crew working on the potholes. I immediately thought, Why can’t they do this at night when nobody is on the roads? That’s when it hit me – I didn’t want the potholes on the road, but I selfishly didn’t want them fixed at a time that might inconvenience me.

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Topics: Risk Assessment, Audit

March 12, 2014

What are…Three Best Practices for Building Representative Leadership

In Part One of our look at bank board leadership, we examined the merits and criticisms of the “Jeopardy Jerk,” Arthur Chu. He bucked the traditional game show system by board hopping with no apparent process logic. Chu deployed a perfectly allowable and extremely effective technique, yet it was criticized as a system hack because it was different, and (more to the point) other players were nearly defenseless against the strategy. 

As we think about the banking industry, “hacking the system” is a very relevant leadership strategy. 

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Topics: Strategy, Board, Leadership