February 11, 2015

Security Tales from the Wrong Side of Teller Row

Picture it: you are at the next technology conference boasting about how you just spent your entire IT budget to buy the best security equipment on the market. You have earned the admiration of your peers. And then comes a call from the IT department. An employee has compromised your system by clicking on a malicious link in a phishing email, thinking it was a legitimate message from the helpdesk.

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Topics: Risk Assessment, Fintech

July 23, 2014

Am I Paying Too Much for This Deal?

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A’s) represent a great opportunity to increase the value of your bank and to achieve quick growth. For those reasons, there continues to be a rise in the number of M&A deals.

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Topics: Risk Assessment, Hospital Acquisition

April 02, 2014

It’s 2AM, Do You Know Who’s On Your Network?

In light of the recent data breach at Target, IT risk buzz words are swirling the banking industry, and rightly so. The cost of a security breach can cripple any business and, certainly, a financial institution. 

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Topics: Risk Assessment, Healthcare Data

March 19, 2014

How to Fix Potholes in Banking

I was recently heading home on I-40 from Nashville and couldn’t believe all the potholes. The cold winter in middle and west Tennessee has wreaked havoc on the roads, and I found myself continuously dodging potholes so I could have a smooth, comfortable ride home. 

About 50 miles from my exit, traffic came to a screeching halt. After sitting in what had become a huge parking lot for about 10 minutes, traffic began to move very slowly for the next few miles. I was anxious to get home and was seriously annoyed. 

When I finally got close enough to see what caused the delay, I realized it was a road crew working on the potholes. I immediately thought, Why can’t they do this at night when nobody is on the roads? That’s when it hit me – I didn’t want the potholes on the road, but I selfishly didn’t want them fixed at a time that might inconvenience me.

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Topics: Risk Assessment, Audit