November 17, 2015

Why Culture Drives M&A Success

The internal audit function can be a powerful resource for creating competitive advantages and driving growth. It’s relatively intuitive to consider how identifying efficiencies and mitigating risk can aid in the sustainability of an organization. A deeper look at the internal audit (IA) process reveals that it is also incredibly effective for nurturing a strong bank culture during an M&A transaction. 

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Topics: M&A, Culture, Internal Audit

October 01, 2015

Does Your Culture Empower Millennials to Care?

Not long ago, we examined the value and importance of a healthy bank culture.  In it, we shared the HORNE Wise Firm model, which is based on the belief that a strong foundation is built on the combination of ‘we’ and ‘service’ – a cultural belief in working together to make a difference. We also shared some powerful statistics that indicate per-employee profit increases from $7,802 to $27,401 in organizations with a shared culture based on vision, mission, and values. 

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Topics: Millennials, Culture, Women Leadership

August 26, 2015

Strong Bank Culture Starts with People

Employees need to feel inspired by the company mission and values, because raw talent is meaningless without the will to create results. - KISSMetrics

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Topics: Culture, Bank Growth

April 30, 2015

Are You Educating Your Customers?

2014 piece by Intuit Quicken reported that in a national financial capability study performed by FINRA, participants were asked five questions related to everyday personal finance and economics - 61% of the participants were unable to correctly answer more than three questions.

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Topics: Bank Trends, Culture

March 04, 2015

A Leadership Example for Every Generation

Is anyone else getting tired of all the talk about differences in leadership qualities between the Baby Boomer, Gen X and Millennial generations? So many people/media/illustrations/etc. oversimplify descriptions of Millennials. I’m not even a member of this generation, and I find it offensive.

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Topics: Culture, Leadership

February 25, 2015

Gender in Banking - What Matters Most to Female Millennials

Does gender matter in banking? We recently posed that question, and shared insights from some of the most powerful women in banking who say you’d better believe it matters, and today is just the beginning!

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Topics: Culture, Leadership

February 04, 2015

How Much Does Gender Matter in Banking Executive Leadership?

American Banker recently released their list of the 25 Most Powerful Women in Banking. In connection with the release of that annual ranking, they posed the question, “Does gender matter in banking?

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Topics: Culture, Leadership

October 22, 2014

Banking Success and Lessons from the Golf Course

Recently, I had a great reminder of the art and importance of communication. I am an avid (okay, borderline obsessed) golfer. I am constantly trying to figure out ways to better my game, with an ultimate goal of lowering my handicap to a three.

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Topics: Culture, Banking

July 16, 2014

Positive Outlook is a Choice

Psychologists estimate that roughly 80% of your day is filled with negative thoughts. In the current economic and regulatory environment, it might seem like 100% for bank executives!

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Topics: Culture, Bank Growth

May 07, 2014

Their Compensation is What?

We have discussed five key components to consider in an incentive compensation plan. The viewpoints addressed in that blog and the increased scrutiny placed on bank executive compensation made in an article in the Wall Street Journal really stand out in its contrast. It pointed out that, on average, bank regulators make more than bankers. Not just a little more. The average bank regulator earns 2.7 times more than the average private banker.  And this multiple has been increasing since the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010. 

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Topics: Bank Trends, Culture