Jack Breland

Jack is a supervisor at HORNE LLP. He primarily serves public companies and financial institutions in an internal and external capacity. He also performs consulting services including Sarbanes-Oxley and regulatory compliance.
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Recent Posts

February 18, 2015

Two Ways Banks Can Have a Successful OREO Party

Ask any banker to name the thorns in their side, and chances are they’ll come up with a few usual suspects, like regulatory compliance and its increasing costs. Since the Great Recession, Other Real Estate Owned (OREO) has earned a spot among those familiar thorns.

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Topics: Bank Trends, Regulations

November 19, 2014

The Reason Your Bank Needs to Offer Prepaid Cards

I have fond memories of working as a bank teller in a small town during my college years, serving customers and hearing their stories. I’ll never forget my first Friday. It seemed like I’d cashed a thousand checks and it’s a miracle I balanced my drawer. But nothing was more satisfying than handing a smiling worker the cash they’d earned over a long, hard week.

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Topics: Bank Trends, Community Banking

October 16, 2014

How to Upgrade Your Community Bank's Toolbox with Wealth Management

Once considered a service exclusive to large banks, wealth management has become a growing source of non-interest income for community banks.

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Topics: Community Banking, Bank Growth

July 30, 2014

How Do Economic Progress and a Cup of Coffee Go Together?

Berkeley, California in the 1960s was a radical place. The vibrant, politically active culture would inspire future generations to challenge the status quo and stand up for their beliefs. It was during this charged, forward thinking era that a Dutchman named Alfred Peet opened a small store in Berkeley selling coffee beans. 

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Topics: Community Banking