May 24, 2017

Trump Promises to Improve Dodd-Frank for Community Banks

On Monday, May 1st, President Trump spoke to representatives from the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA), committing to cut the ‘red tape’ imposed by the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law. His repeal promises were met with a great deal of excitement from the community bankers present, in part because of the reminder that the number of federally insured small banks dropped from 7,357 in 2011 to 5,980 in 2016—at least in part because of the regulation.[1] ICBA representatives including CEO Cam Fine reiterated the general tone, saying that community banks face a “pressing need for regulatory relief.”[2]

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Topics: Regulations, Dodd-Frank, Healthcare Reform Trump

February 16, 2017

What's Behind President Trump’s Order to Reform Dodd-Frank

The first three weeks of the Trump presidency have been full of activity. Within President Trump’s first few hours in office, he was signing executive orders, and he does not appear to be slowing down any time soon. On February 3rd, he signed an order that directs the Secretary of the Treasury to review the Dodd-Frank financial oversight law and report his recommendations.

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Topics: Dodd-Frank, Banking