July 10, 2014

Winning with Big Data

Data is more prevalent than ever, but according to a report from EMC and Forrester Research organizations are just starting to scratch the surface with only utilizing less than 5% of their available information. The biggest barrier holding organizations back is cost of implementation.

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Topics: Healthcare Data, Fintech

July 03, 2014

The Big Deal About Big Data

Make no mistake; Big Data is the business/technology/marketing buzzword of recent years. Ironic, because there’s so much debate about what that term means and even more discussion about what you can do with it.

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Topics: Healthcare Data, Fintech

April 02, 2014

It’s 2AM, Do You Know Who’s On Your Network?

In light of the recent data breach at Target, IT risk buzz words are swirling the banking industry, and rightly so. The cost of a security breach can cripple any business and, certainly, a financial institution. 

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Topics: Risk Assessment, Healthcare Data