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October 11, 2016

Preparing for Payment Reform: Shared Savings Arrangements

Shared savings arrangements began as a key component of the Medicare delivery system reform initiatives included in the Affordable Care Act, the intent being threefold: to generate better care for individuals, to generate better health for the population, and to lower growth expenditures. To participate in a Medicare shared savings arrangement, eligible providers and suppliers are required to form an accountable care organization (ACO).

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Topics: Payment Models, MACRA Summary

September 20, 2016

Will Your Data Analytics Package Provide a Positive ROI?

Return on investment. It’s something every business calculates—from marketing efforts to large equipment purchases to capital improvements. We want to know if our investments in the business are paying off.

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Topics: Healthcare Data

September 08, 2016

Alternative Payment Model Overview: Do You Have the Data to Succeed?

The introduction of the dual track Quality Payment Program within the MACRA proposed rule has many healthcare systems considering their options. My most recent blog focused on the MIPS track of QPP, so today I will focus on an overview of Advanced Alternative Payment Models. 

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Topics: Payment Models, MACRA Summary

September 01, 2016

Where is Your Data? Why Performing a Data Inventory is Integral in the Digital Age

There’s no denying it—healthcare data has gone digital. The days of paper health records are fast disappearing, and if the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have their way, we won’t be going back. CMS has built meaningful use of electronic health records into its plans for a number of years, and the healthcare industry is responding.

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Topics: Electronic Health Records, Healthcare Data

August 25, 2016

Consumerism is Coming to Healthcare: How Can You Prepare?

Think back to your last car, truck or SUV purchase. What did you want to know before spending so much money?

More than likely, you wanted to know the price range of the type of car you were considering. You might have wanted to know what features were standard on different makes and models. You might even have identified one or two features that you couldn’t live without, and that helped you narrow your choice. You aIso might have wanted to know where to find the best financing. If you’re tech savvy, you probably found much of the information you needed online—even in a single app or website. In recent years, our collective consumer needs have changed the way we buy cars. In fact, consumer preferences have changed the way we buy most things—even healthcare.

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Topics: Quality Improvement, Healthcare Quality, MACRA Summary

August 11, 2016

Is Paying the Hacker Your Only Defense?

Recently, I received a call from a close friend who wanted advice because his small company had been the victim of a ransomware attack. A hacker had locked the company out of all significant business applications, compromised all the backups, and wanted $250 in the form of Bitcoins to unlock the system. The IT manager tried to restore the systems without paying and without success.

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Topics: Electronic Health Records, Healthcare Data

May 18, 2016

Future Trends—Threats or Opportunities?


Futurists identify hard trends and build prognostications around what will take place. They also use the identification of hard trends to seize opportunities in order to transform businesses. 

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Topics: Quality Improvement, Affordable Care Act Summary

May 13, 2016

The MACRA Proposed Rule Explained

CMS released a proposed rule on April 27th which specifically addresses the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Alternative Payment Model (APM) Incentive as components under the Quality Payment Program. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 repealed the Medicare sustainable growth rate over a year ago, but to date, the recently released proposed rule provides the most concrete guidance on the likely trajectory of physician payment under Medicare Part B for the next decade. While receiving such information is important and exciting for market participants, frankly CMS did not leave much time for physicians and health systems to consider this information, update strategic plans and execute accordingly. That’s because the first performance period begins in less than seven months on January 1, 2017.

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Topics: MACRA Summary

May 05, 2016

How to Determine ROI on Your Data Analytics System

The healthcare industry is in a state of constant change, and with change comes opportunity. With the passage of the ACA and MACRA, healthcare providers are, or will be, paid differently for their services. No longer can they rely upon the volume of services rendered to generate sustained income. With the transition from volume-based payments to value-based payments, many health systems are investing in data analytics platforms to help expose cost savings, as well as uncover hidden revenue. But is investing in data analytics worth the cost?

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Topics: Payment Models

April 28, 2016

The Shifting Role of the Rural Hospital

Here’s a potentially disturbing statement: “Rural healthcare needs healthcare – not buildings.”

I’ve been watching rural hospitals closely as they cope with the changing healthcare landscape, and I’ve come to believe this statement is true. You might find it disturbing because of its implications – if rural hospitals don’t need buildings, what happens to their staffs, their service, their presence in the community and their stakeholders? And most of all, without a physical presence in a community, what happens to urgent care and its lifesaving role in rural areas? 

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Topics: Rural Health Care, Affordable Care Act Summary, Value-Based Care

April 15, 2016

3 Key Takeaways from AHLA’s Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues

As I think about the healthcare industry and where we’re headed, I’m reminded of a lyric from the Tracy Lawrence song Time Marches On, “The only thing that stays the same is everything changes, everything changes.” Serious change is afoot and providers cannot just keep their heads above water. They have to find a way to thrive and flourish.

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Topics: Accounting in Healthcare

April 12, 2016

3 Pitfalls to Avoid With Compensation-per-WRVU Contracts

Today, WRVUs are one of the most prevalent measures by which employers determine physician compensation.  WRVUs have the benefit of rewarding physicians for personally performed services based on relative values utilized by CMS without penalizing the physician for charity care provided on behalf of the hospital or for revenue cycle issues outside of the physician’s control. However, misconceptions still exist surrounding the selection of appropriate conversion rates for physician arrangements. Here are three common pitfalls to avoid when establishing a compensation-per-WRVU contract.

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Topics: Physician Compensation

March 24, 2016

Is Your System Heading for Success or a Crash?

I recently saw an excellent example of offering appropriate care in the appropriate setting when I reviewed my new HORNE healthcare plan. HORNE is offering a new program called “MD Live.” For the first time, our insurance will cover employees who consult a doctor remotely by using a phone, tablet or computer. The next time I feel a cold or the flu coming on, I can visit with a doctor and get the treatment I need without traveling to the doctor’s office. 

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Topics: Healthcare Quality, Population Health, Patient Care, Hospital Management