JT Blalock

JT is an assurance services manager at HORNE LLP. He provides assurance services to manufacturing and distribution, healthcare, nonprofit and government contractor industries.
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Recent Posts

June 09, 2017

Activity-Based Costing: The Rock Star of Payment Model Reform

Think you can’t afford to invest in a cost-accounting system? The truth is, you can’t afford not to. As Medicare and other payers increasingly tie payments to value, understanding and reducing your cost structure will become an even more urgent priority.

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Topics: Payment Models, Cost Accounting

June 16, 2016

So You Have a Cost Accounting System, Now What?

As I help healthcare organizations create effective cost accounting systems, the number one complaint I hear is: “I don’t think this report is accurate” or its second cousin “This just doesn’t look right.” My own father gives me grief because he doesn’t trust accounting systems.

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Topics: Patient Care, Value-Based Care, Cost Accounting

June 02, 2016

If You Build It, They Won’t Come

The 1989 movie Field of Dreams is one of my favorite baseball movies. In it, an Iowa farmer hears a mysterious voice tell him, “If you build it, he will come.” The voice is talking about building a baseball field in the middle of an Iowa cornfield to attract the ghosts of the Chicago White Sox players banned from baseball for throwing the 1919 World Series. The ghosts appear, including the farmer’s father, and so do thousands of spectators.

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Topics: Healthcare Facilities

March 10, 2016

Are You Throwing Darts in the Dark?

I was talking to a CEO of a healthcare organization recently, and I asked him what plans he had made for incorporating cost accounting into his financial processes. He admitted, a little reluctantly, that he wasn’t making plans at all. “How can I afford to go into that kind of detail?” he asked.

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Topics: Cost Accounting

October 09, 2014

Why GASB 68 is a Financial Priority for Governmental Hospitals

A major change to pension plan reporting takes place in fiscal year 2015 that could become a significant headache for governmental hospitals if they don’t get started now preparing for it. The ramifications of GASB 68 are substantial enough without the stress of waiting too long to prepare. Here’s why: 

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Topics: Hospital Valuation, Healthcare Facilities, Health Care Audit, Hospital Management