March 10, 2016

8 Questions to Combat Your Cybersecurity Risk

Last week, we reported some eye-opening cybersecurity statistics discussed at the Tennessee Bankers Association’s Credit Conference. While the focus of these conversations centered on the credit process, managing breaches has become one of the most significant focus areas for businesses of all kinds. 

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Topics: Electronic Health Records

February 25, 2016

2016 ABA Conference Recap: Your Most Important Priorities

My HORNE Cyber Solutions colleagues and I just spent two wonderful days at the annual Alabama Banker’s Association (ABA) Bank Operations and Management Summit. Talks and discussions during the event centered on three overlying themes. We have discussed some of them previously in this blog, and all are pertinent to your banking organization.  

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Topics: Strategy, Community Banking, Electronic Health Records

October 14, 2015

11 Guidelines for a Useful Mobile Security Policy

Chances are, you’re reading this blog on your phone or tablet. We reached the tipping point for mobile use in the US in the past year. While studies vary slightly, most report approximately 66% of email is opened and read on smartphones (versus 34% on desktop), and time spent engaged with digital media is 51% for mobile (compared to 42% for desktop). And while these reports are specific to media consumption, many others provide evidence that we are a truly connected population, using tablets and smartphones in every corner of life, from communicating to helping with homework, to paying bills, to teleworking. 

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Topics: Electronic Health Records, Mobile Devices

July 15, 2015

Impact of the FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool

On the front page of American Banker, there’s a July 14 article titled “Is It Almost Time to Put Core Processing in the Cloud? If there was any doubt about the fact that technology is a one-directional, hard trend banks absolutely must be integrating into strategy, articles like this are putting it to rest. 

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Topics: Strategy, Electronic Health Records, Hard Trend