February 10, 2016

How’s the Volume-to-Value Transition Working for YOU?

After our second day at the AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law Institute, some clear themes are beginning to come into focus around the volume-to-value transformation in physician compensation. Quality-based compensation is fraught with challenges—quantifying value as compared to physician productivity is foreign to many. Also, missteps in the implementation can wreck the entire process.

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Topics: Physician Compensation, Value-Based Care

February 09, 2016

2 Reasons Fair Market Value Needs to Evolve

In nearly any value proposition, the appropriate reward depends on the level of risk assumed. In the transformation to quality-based pay, the same is true. Paying physicians for quality likewise considers the value of the services contributed and the risk borne by the provider; nobody has the silver bullet as of yet, but hospitals and physicians both need to begin the journey now.

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Topics: Value-Based Care

November 17, 2015

2 Key Takeaways from HFMA Region 9

Historic times are taking place in the healthcare industry.  Are you going to stay on the sidelines or are you going to get in the game? 

Yesterday’s sessions at the HFMA Region 9 Conference in New Orleans reinforced two key themes:

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Topics: Value-Based Care

November 16, 2015

Is Your Healthcare Facility Ready for Bundled Payments?

While attending the Healthcare Financial Management Association Region 9 Conference in New Orleans, we learned that bundled payments are near and healthcare facilities should start preparing now.   

Bundled payments consolidate reimbursement into a single payment for the care and services related to a specific procedure or episode along the continuum of care. These payments are designed to incentivize the coordination of care among various health care providers, such as physicians, hospitals and post-acute care facilities, as well as to emphasize accountability for the cost and quality of care provided to patients. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that by 2016, 30 percent of Medicare payments will be value-based and will expand to nearly 50 percent by 2018.   

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Topics: Healthcare Facilities, Healthcare Data, Healthcare Quality, Value-Based Care, Healthcare Reimbursement

April 30, 2015

The Three P’s of Valuing Healthcare Machinery and Equipment

Healthcare machinery and equipment (M&E) change hands daily across the country through larger business transactions or as individual assets or groups of assets being bought and sold. M&E values can impact the viability of the transaction or the parties’ compliance with complex laws governing the deal. Below are easy-to-remember tips on the Purpose, Process, and Pitfalls of M&E appraisals.

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Topics: Value-Based Care

March 20, 2015

Trends in Hospital Acquisition of Physician Practices

Surveys such as the Health Leaders Media survey, Physician Alignment: New Leadership Models for Integration, indicate that physician employment will continue to be a primary integration strategy for many hospitals and health systems. Where saturation of primary care and specialist practice acquisitions and employment has occurred, several markets have moved to a second or third tier, such as urgent care centers and related physician employment. It seems that some markets are only limited by the supply of viable targets.

Physician practices, however, are not created equal, and hospitals and health systems are becoming increasingly savvy in targeting groups for alignment that can demonstrate delivery of high-quality care. As the reimbursement model continues the shift from a volume-based to value-based system, physician participation in meeting quality and cost-saving targets will require a greater nexus to methods of physician compensation. In an increasingly competitive environment, it may be difficult to meet the need for quality care without a carefully selected and motivated physician network.

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Topics: Quality Improvement, Value-Based Care