October 27, 2016

MACRA Final Rule: What is the ACO Track 1+?

In our blog last week on the October 14, 2016 MACRA Final Rule with Comment Period (Final Rule), we began a series on topics of interest from the Final Rule, particularly those representing departures from the Proposed Rule, to summarize the decision in the Final Rule.

MACRA repealed the much maligned Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula and replaced it with the Quality Payment Program, made up of two avenues to reward delivery of high quality patient care: the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Models (Advanced APMs).

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Topics: MACRA Summary

October 18, 2016

MACRA Final Rule Released – Actions You Should Take Now

With the release on October 14, 2016 of the Final Rule with Comment Period (Final Rule) for the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), titled Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Alternative Payment Model (APM) Incentive under the Physician Fee Schedule, and Criteria for Physician-Focused Payment Models [CMS-5517-FC], the healthcare industry received some much-awaited clarity around the May 9 Proposed Rule.

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Topics: MACRA Summary

October 13, 2016

Manage Your Risk When Choosing Payment Models – One Size Does Not Fit All

When Congress passed the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), “risk” moved front and center as a feature of provider reimbursement models. These days, we’re using terms such as “at risk” and “risk-based” more and more, but what do they really mean? And why should healthcare providers be more concerned with risk now than they have been in years past?

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Topics: Payment Models, MACRA Summary

October 11, 2016

Preparing for Payment Reform: Shared Savings Arrangements

Shared savings arrangements began as a key component of the Medicare delivery system reform initiatives included in the Affordable Care Act, the intent being threefold: to generate better care for individuals, to generate better health for the population, and to lower growth expenditures. To participate in a Medicare shared savings arrangement, eligible providers and suppliers are required to form an accountable care organization (ACO).

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Topics: Payment Models, MACRA Summary

September 16, 2016

CMS Delays MACRA Implementation; Don’t Slow Your Efforts to Comply

In a move that was widely applauded by medical groups such as the Medical Group Management Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Academy of Family Physicians, CMS announced that it is making the start of MACRA implementation more flexible next year. Although the performance evaluation period may be delayed, the start of payment changes will not be delayed.

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Topics: MACRA Summary

September 08, 2016

Alternative Payment Model Overview: Do You Have the Data to Succeed?

The introduction of the dual track Quality Payment Program within the MACRA proposed rule has many healthcare systems considering their options. My most recent blog focused on the MIPS track of QPP, so today I will focus on an overview of Advanced Alternative Payment Models. 

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Topics: Payment Models, MACRA Summary

August 25, 2016

Consumerism is Coming to Healthcare: How Can You Prepare?

Think back to your last car, truck or SUV purchase. What did you want to know before spending so much money?

More than likely, you wanted to know the price range of the type of car you were considering. You might have wanted to know what features were standard on different makes and models. You might even have identified one or two features that you couldn’t live without, and that helped you narrow your choice. You aIso might have wanted to know where to find the best financing. If you’re tech savvy, you probably found much of the information you needed online—even in a single app or website. In recent years, our collective consumer needs have changed the way we buy cars. In fact, consumer preferences have changed the way we buy most things—even healthcare.

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Topics: Quality Improvement, Healthcare Quality, MACRA Summary

May 13, 2016

The MACRA Proposed Rule Explained

CMS released a proposed rule on April 27th which specifically addresses the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Alternative Payment Model (APM) Incentive as components under the Quality Payment Program. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 repealed the Medicare sustainable growth rate over a year ago, but to date, the recently released proposed rule provides the most concrete guidance on the likely trajectory of physician payment under Medicare Part B for the next decade. While receiving such information is important and exciting for market participants, frankly CMS did not leave much time for physicians and health systems to consider this information, update strategic plans and execute accordingly. That’s because the first performance period begins in less than seven months on January 1, 2017.

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Topics: MACRA Summary

April 07, 2016

Compensation Changes are Driving Disruption

If anything has disrupted the business of healthcare delivery in recent years, the transformation of reimbursement from volume to value ranks highly. Whether and to what degree we accept this reality varies among providers and facility executives, but disruptive change is either coming or has arrived. Some markets may be less sophisticated than others, with some seemingly a few years to a decade behind, but if CMS has any input—which it does—market timing in value-based reimbursement will soon shrink dramatically.

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Topics: MACRA Summary

February 25, 2016

What You Need to Know About MACRA and FMV

Although physicians around the country cheered the permanent repeal of the sustainable growth rate (SGR), the resulting reimbursement and payment model changes could significantly impact the fair market value of physician practices. The passage of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) changed the valuation environment significantly. The HORNE Healthcare team has been researching the changes, and here is what you need to know:

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Topics: Physician Compensation, What is Fair Market Value, MACRA Summary