HORNE's Leadership Summit is an annual learning and development program for team members of the firm.
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August 02, 2017

Internal Control Breakdown Results in Significant Losses

When internal controls breakdown, an organization’s risk of fraud increases significantly. A few years ago, we helped a financial institution identify “an issue.”

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Topics: Fraud

July 12, 2017

Jessica’s Lessons Learned at the 2017 ACFE Global Fraud Conference

In today’s world and in this line of work, I often wonder whether I am the only person who really cares about fighting for integrity and holding people accountable for their actions. So I was super excited to attend my first ACFE Global Fraud Conference last month and be surrounded for several days by over 3,000 fraud fighting professionals.

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Topics: Fraud

December 14, 2016

Gucci or Gotcha?

A person’s clothing says a lot about them—like who they are or what they aspire to be. I don’t consider myself a fashionista, but I do like nice things. However, I’ve never been one to try and keep up with the Joneses.

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Topics: Fraud