Culture Matters - Building the Wise Firm blog

Abandon Fear and Go All-In

Written by Ryan Wallace | February 25, 2016

I’ve always been inspired by people who have successful careers, are at the top of their game and then throw caution to the wind by selling everything they have, cutting ties to their old life and pursuing a long-standing dream in their new-found freedom. Doesn’t simply reading those stories fill you with a sense of amazement and inspire you, even if for a brief moment? Seeing their faces when they tell their stories, with an infectious grin from ear to ear, that's the passion and all-in attitude we need in the workplace today. 

I’m not talking about leaving our current organizations or companies. I’m talking about leaving our old, stale ideas about them. I’m talking about leaving our preconceived ideas, habits, fears and comfort in pursuit of something greater than ourselves.

This idea is not original. In fact, the Parable of the Rich Young Ruler advocated for such an all-in attitude.

“And Jesus, looking at [the rich young ruler], loved him, and said to him, ‘You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’ Disheartened by the saying, [the rich young ruler] went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.”

But he wasn't willing to go all-in.

On the outside looking in, there is of course fear of the unknown, but only a thin veil separates us from living in a newfound passion. It's actually thinner than you realize. Often, like the rich young ruler, you'll realize that the only thing holding you back – is you.

I recently moved from one of the largest focus areas at HORNE into our newly created subsidiary, HORNE Cyber Solutions. To say I was hesitant, scared even, is an understatement. I was leaving the traditional side of audit in exchange for an IT, controls-based focus. This translated effectively to a total change in my career path. That was more than six months ago. And I have not for a moment regretted that decision. I realize that if I am going to make the impact that I want for my firm and my family, to enjoy life to its fullest, that I had to go all-in.

You hear the saying a lot: “No regrets.” Well, I have none.

I am selling all of my hesitations, fears and insecurities about my abilities, my lies about what I can accomplish and my apathy. I’m selling it all. I'm giving up the status quo, and I’m buying into the vision that we can accomplish greatness together when we go all-in. Will you join me?



About the Author:

Ryan Wallace is an associate in HORNE Cyber Solutions. He joined us in 2014, and hit the ground running—embracing his role in building the Wise Firm.  He has a heart for service, a talent for graphic design, and love for camping.