August 26, 2015

How to Solve a Puzzle

This blog is the first in a four part series.

I have enjoyed working jigsaw puzzles for most of my life. I started with the standard puzzles that come in a box with hundreds or thousands of pieces and branched out into 3D puzzles that required solving rather than completing. I have shared my passion with my two daughters. We have spent hours putting puzzles together.

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Topics: Fraud

August 12, 2015

3 Tips to Remember on the First Day of School

My two daughters started school earlier this week. We took the obligatory first-day-of-school pictures of them in their uniforms with their book sacks. Not until we looked at the pictures from last year did we realize how fast they are growing up. As parents, it is difficult to actually see this transformation because we see them every day without realizing how much they are changing. It’s also difficult because we want them to remain our babies for as long as possible. But, we also know that we have to give them more freedom and responsibilities to allow them to grow and learn.

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Topics: Fraud

July 29, 2015

Lessons I Learned from Failing

Last week I had the opportunity to fail. My heart was broken. I was devastated. I believe the reason that it knocked me down so hard was because I wasn’t expecting it. I have failed many times and have learned valuable life lessons through my failures. My most recent failure reminded me that failure is always an option no matter how certain you are of victory. It was a humbling experience that I will not forget anytime soon.

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Topics: Fraud