November 11, 2015

5 Questions You Should Ask Payroll

Throughout my college years, I worked at a movie theater. It was a great experience all around—from being a popcorn popper to a projectionist. They paid me to have fun, with a little work thrown in to keep me honest. Payday was every two weeks, and I would pick up my check from the manager on duty. However, on one payday, an internal auditor from corporate handed out the checks. I showed the auditor my driver’s license before receiving my check. 

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

October 28, 2015

A Fraudster’s Mask

Halloween is such a fun time. I love decorating the house and yard with spooky skeletons and scary ghosts. I also enjoy dressing up in a costume, but sometimes I struggle with making a decision. This year I am torn between being a rodeo clown or a scarecrow. Neither one of these options requires a mask because I don’t really like wearing masks. As the title suggests, this blog post is about masks. 

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

September 30, 2015

Top 3 Take-Aways from AHLA’s Fraud and Compliance Forum Keynote

Believe it or not! I am back in Baltimore to network and learn at the American Health Lawyers Association’s Fraud and Compliance Forum. There are over 50 sessions covering many different topics that are impacting the healthcare industry from a regulatory and compliance perspective. Here are the top 3 take-aways from the keynote address by Joyce Branda, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division of the Department of Justice:

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

September 23, 2015

3 Reasons Closing Out is Important

This blog is the fourth in a four part series How to Solve a Puzzle.

As you can tell from the picture, we made it to the final step of the process. Our family had a great time completing step 3. Now, we must use the left over puzzle pieces to fill in the holes of the puzzle. This step can be a little more challenging than the others because you can easily become distracted and jump from section to section, which can be time consuming. Investigations are similar in that they can gain momentum quickly, but when it comes to wrapping up the loose ends, it becomes tedious and less fun. 

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

September 16, 2015

Getting Down to Business - Have You Identified the Pieces and Started Putting Them Together?

This blog is the third in a four part series How to Solve a Puzzle.

I cannot believe this series is almost over. Out of all the steps, this step is my favorite. It is all about identifying an object and finding the pieces for that part of the puzzle and putting them together. It is exciting because you start seeing the fruits of your labor. The puzzle comes to life in this step. This is also the step in the investigative process when most of the work is performed.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

September 02, 2015

Avoid a Critical Failure - Always Start with Step 1

For each post in this four-part blog series, I will use stories that will explain the steps of solving a jigsaw puzzle and tie them to the steps for most fraud investigations. As you may recall, the first step to solving a puzzle was to turn all the pieces face up and locate the edge pieces. I am certain that you understand this basic step, but the directions were a little more difficult for my daughters to understand.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

August 05, 2015

3 Reasons You Should Say the "F" Word at Work

As parents, my wife and I teach our children many things. Our goal is to provide them with the tools they will need to become successful adults. The interesting part is that our definition for success is fairly abstract. We want them to pursue something that feeds their passion and makes them happy. We also want them to never give up during their journey.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

July 01, 2015

Protect Your Castle – Introduction

Hundreds of years ago, wealthy landowners built castles to protect their families, friends, animals, and treasures. These castles had stone walls to keep invaders out, and soldiers would help to protect the walls and castle. Some castles had large moats with draw bridges and others had natural land barriers like cliffs or rivers. Whenever there was a threat, the people would lock down the castle.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

June 17, 2015

Exciting Take-Aways from the ACFE’s Global Fraud Conference

Late Sunday night, I arrived in Baltimore and checked into my hotel. It was hard to sleep because I was so excited about attending the ACFE’s 26th Global Fraud Conference. The conference is an amazing event that allows members to learn new ways to fight fraud and connect with other professionals. With over 70 sessions, I will learn about forensic data analysis, ethical behavior and everything in between. The conference is attended by over 3,000 professionals from over 60 countries. I will meet new people and reconnect with friends I haven’t seen in years.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention