The Examiner – Insights on Fighting Financial Fraud

Top Examiner Blogs from 2015

Written by Jeffrey N. Aucoin | January 13, 2016

My family and I started 2016 with a bang! We popped fireworks and spent time with friends. On the 1st, we ate plenty of cabbage, black eyed peas, and pork for lots of good health, wealth and happiness. As some of you know, I am not a big fan of green veggies, and you are probably wondering how I was able to eat cabbage. Well . . . my mother passed along a recipe for cabbage casserole that is amazing. We cook it every year, and all who taste it agree that it is delicious. Even our kids enjoy it.

I don’t want to spend too much time looking back to 2015 because we have plenty of things to look forward to in 2016. However, there were a few blogs that were especially popular in 2015 and possibly can help you catch or prevent fraud this year.

5 Tips for Improving Segregation of Duties in Your Organization – This blog series provided a ton of information about segregation of duties. Within the series, I shared several personal stories, ideas for enhancements, and common pitfalls and excuses. This is a very informative series that can help educate managers and owners about segregation of duties.

3 Reasons You Should Say the F Word at Work – I think the title may have brought readers to this one, but I hope after reading it they took away a greater understanding of why fraud should be in the conversation. It should not be seen as a bad word that executives and owners are scared to say.

Is Fahrvergnügen in Trouble? – The news about Volkswagen was shocking. It would be even more shocking if we knew all the times this happens in other companies. In this blog, I raise some examples of how ethical breakdowns occur, and it is easier than you may think. Executives and owners should consider these breakdowns as they develop or enhance their internal ethics programs.

These are three of the top Examiner blogs from 2015, and if you haven’t already, you should consider sharing them with influential people within your organization. Through sharing, we can increase our fraud fighting army.

I look forward to this New Year and all the upcoming blog posts. If you ever have an idea for a future blog or a question about a published blog, please email me with your thoughts. I would love to hear from you. Wishing each of you a prosperous and Happy New Year!


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