Jeffrey N. Aucoin

Jeffrey N. Aucoin, CPA, CFF, CFE, CIA, serves as a fraud, forensic and litigation services partner at HORNE LLP. He has managed numerous fraud investigations including embezzlement schemes, insurance fraud, employee theft and misappropriation of assets. He also provides litigation support services for economic damage claims, document management engagements and bankruptcy matters.
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Recent Posts

March 16, 2016

When It Comes to Mistakes, the Earlier the Better

My ultramarathon is less than a week away, and I am questioning my sanity every time I think about running 31 miles. I have never run farther than a marathon distance (26.2 miles), and I’ve only done that twice. I have never run a trail race, which contains plenty of hills, roots, mud, and dirt. Plus, I am over 40 years old. Did I train enough, did I put in enough miles, did I run enough hills, and how many mistakes have I made along the way?

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

March 09, 2016

3 Ways to Analyze Data

Analyzing data is such a great topic. My goal with this post is to provide you with a structured way to tackle your next data analytics project. Although there are many reasons to perform data analytics, you should always focus on the tic-tac-toe method, that is horizontal, vertical and diagonal.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention, Data Analytics

March 02, 2016

Data Analysis – Selecting the Right Tools

As promised, this blog is a continuation of last week’s topic, data analysis. We will dive into the third tip related to selecting the right tools. Tools have been used for ages to help humans perform complex tasks. From the creation of the wheel that accelerated transportation to the invention of electricity shaping the way we live, tools help us accomplish tasks that otherwise might appear impossible.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention, Data Analytics

February 24, 2016

5 Tips for Your Next Data Analysis Project

In the business world, we create an overwhelming amount of data every day. This data can be extremely useful to us if we know how to convert it into meaningful information. Once you have meaningful information, it can be interpreted, which will allow you to draw conclusions and take actions.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention, Data Analytics

February 17, 2016

4 Ways to Love Fraud

Is Valentine’s Day a celebration, holiday, or a day of observance? It probably doesn’t matter how you define it, because you either have someone to celebrate with or you don’t. If you have a Valentine, you probably feel obligated to buy a card, flowers, chocolate or all of them. If you don’t have one, then you are reminded that being alone sucks and you wish you could buy meaningless gifts for someone.

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Topics: Fraud

February 10, 2016

Confessions of a Fraudster – Follow-up

In last week’s blog, I introduced you to Winfrey who wrote a letter of confession to her boss. She covered a lot of territory in the letter, but there were also plenty of gaps. The information in the letter is similar to the story an owner starts putting together when the red flags of fraud begin to reveal themselves.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

February 03, 2016

Confessions of a Fraudster

I wrote this letter to give you a glimpse into the mind of a fraudster. The scenarios, people, and names are fictional.

Dear Jane,

It is with heavy heart that I am writing this letter, but the overwhelming feeling of guilt has been eating at me for the past few years. I am so very sorry for what I am about to tell you and hope that you will find a way to forgive me. I know that it may take some time, but I think you will understand that I was only doing what I had to do.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

January 27, 2016

4 Must-Do's If You Find Fraud

I started feeling sick last Thursday and the symptoms got worse over the weekend. The symptoms are slowly moving from my head to my chest. It seems to be a really bad cold and maybe something else. I am beating myself up because I probably pushed my body too hard during the marathon, which weakened my immune system. But being sick is throwing a wrench into my ultramarathon training plan.

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Topics: Fraud

January 20, 2016

Fighting Fraud Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

On Sunday, I completed the Louisiana Marathon in Baton Rouge, which was my second marathon and was much more challenging than my first. I trained harder for this one—I ran more miles and focused on enhancing my pace. My primary goal was to beat my personal record, but I really wanted to run it in less than 4 hours. I was on pace to beat the 4 hour mark through the 19th mile, but then things started to fall apart.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

January 13, 2016

Top Examiner Blogs from 2015

My family and I started 2016 with a bang! We popped fireworks and spent time with friends. On the 1st, we ate plenty of cabbage, black eyed peas, and pork for lots of good health, wealth and happiness. As some of you know, I am not a big fan of green veggies, and you are probably wondering how I was able to eat cabbage. Well . . . my mother passed along a recipe for cabbage casserole that is amazing. We cook it every year, and all who taste it agree that it is delicious. Even our kids enjoy it.

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Topics: Fraud