Jeffrey N. Aucoin

Jeffrey N. Aucoin, CPA, CFF, CFE, CIA, serves as a fraud, forensic and litigation services partner at HORNE LLP. He has managed numerous fraud investigations including embezzlement schemes, insurance fraud, employee theft and misappropriation of assets. He also provides litigation support services for economic damage claims, document management engagements and bankruptcy matters.
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Recent Posts

August 30, 2017

3 Ways to Get the Resources You Need

As we continue to share what we learned from our Special Investigative Unit (SIU) counterparts, we will dive deeper into the subject of resources, which I mentioned in last week’s post. Resources are an essential component to helping us meet goals.

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Topics: Fraud

August 23, 2017

Learning From Special Investigative Units

Fraud is a risk to every organization and each one addresses it differently. Some choose to ignore it, while others develop programs to mitigate it. For those with programs, formal or informal, the resources dedicated to the fight vary greatly—which consequently creates large variations in their effectiveness.

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Topics: Fraud & Compliance

August 17, 2017

ABCs to Fighting Fraud

This is a quick message to help fuel your fraud fighting efforts. Remember the following ABCs to effectively fight fraud:

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

August 09, 2017

Fraud Risks – Past, Present and Future

This week I will begin my 44th year of life. Birthdays are milestones that induce reflection, especially as we get older. I look back at what I have accomplished and look forward to the years ahead. From the past, I can glean nuggets of knowledge and wisdom from my shortcomings and accomplishments. By looking into the future, I can dream about what can be. It is a place to find inspiration and destinations.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

July 19, 2017

The Fireworks of Fraud

On the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve, we buy fireworks to celebrate the holidays. It's fun for the whole family. Some enjoy throwing small snap pops to the ground, while others enjoy lighting smaller firecrackers to set off small blasts, and everyone loves watching the colors explode in the night sky. It's amazing that I am not deathly afraid of fireworks.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

June 28, 2017

Key Takeaways from the 28th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference

The ACFE’s Global Fraud Conference is the best place I’ve found to gain technical knowledge, which helps me develop ideas related to recognizing emerging future fraud risks. It also provides me with a boost of positive energy to fuel my passion to fight fraud. The following are key takeaways from this year’s conference:

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Topics: Fraud

June 20, 2017

5 Highlights from Day 1 of the ACFE’s 28th Annual Global Fraud Conference

With over 3,000 professionals from more than 60 countries, this year’s conference is off to a great start. The day was packed with exciting presenters who shared their experience and knowledge. Here are a few highlights from day one of the ACFE’s 28th Annual Global Fraud Conference:

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Topics: Fraud

June 14, 2017

The ACFE Fraud Conference is Worth It

This Sunday, I will be traveling to Nashville for the ACFE’s 28th Annual Global Fraud Conference. The conference starts bright and early Monday morning, and when I signed up, I didn’t realize that I would not be able to celebrate Father’s Day with my family.

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Topics: Fraud

June 07, 2017

5 Proactive Tasks to Find Fraud

Fraud is a risk to every organization that most business executives choose to ignore. Even those who understand the risk of fraud often feel too busy to make fraud fighting a priority. This is a problem because fraud impacts the organization’s culture and drains resources. While the actual losses caused by fraud can be significant, the emotional burden can also be overwhelming. It is unwise to fail to make fraud prevention and detection a priority.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention

May 31, 2017

A Fool’s Guide to Uncovering the Truth

Forrest Gump famously said, “Life is like a box of chocolates—you never know what you’re gonna get.” Each chocolate represents a moment in our lives. There are ups and downs, and sometimes there are unexpected twists and turns.

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Topics: Fraud Prevention