A 2015 Reflection for a 2016 Projection

I am still amazed how quickly 2015 has flown by for me. Not too long ago, I completed the Louisiana Marathon . In fact, I started ramping up my miles to train for next year’s race that is only about a month away. The older I get, the faster time flies. As a child, I remember everything taking a long time—trips in the car, the school year, and even the summer passed slowly. I never felt rushed. It felt like I had plenty of time to do the things I wanted to do. Time had no real meaning to me.

As I grow older, time passes more quickly. I feel like I have more things to accomplish and less time available to me. Time is a precious resource and every year I value it more and more. When I reflect on this past year, I have accomplished a lot of things—I ran my first marathon, started a blog, and brought my daughters on several trips to build memories. These accomplishments stand out among others because they had the biggest impact on my health, professional development, and personal life. 

What 2015 accomplishments impacted these or other areas of your life?

I know it is somewhat early to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions, but if you start reflecting now on 2015, you will be better prepared to plan for your 2016. Making resolutions is the same as setting goals. Start making yours now and try not to forget about them after the newness of the New Year wears off.

Below are three resolutions—goals—that I am setting for 2016:

  • To stay healthy, I will complete an ultramarathon, which is any race longer than a marathon, which is 26.2 miles. Currently, I am planning to sign up for a 50K, which is about 31 miles, but I may sign up for a longer one.
  • With regard to my professional development, I will complete a fictional short story and publish it electronically. I have started and stopped numerous stories over the past several years, and I believe making this resolution will make me finish one. The goal is to entertain readers, while educating them about the risks of fraud and the traits of fraudsters.
  • As for my personal growth, I will take my daughters on at least two trips during the year for us to learn new things and strengthen our relationships.

Start thinking about your 2016 resolutions today because 2015 will be over before you know it. If you would like to be held accountable, share your resolutions with others and ask them to help you monitor your progress by asking about them periodically. If you would like to share them with me, I will help you.

Time is precious and we make choices every day that either enrich or waste our time on Earth. I hope this blog post will help you be more deliberate with your choices to become a better person, a better you.


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