Why Healthcare’s Headed for a Crash and How it Can Transform

Have you taken a look lately at the statistics that tell the story of the future of health care in the U.S.? It’s sobering. The outdated payment model is just one part of the challenge. Between baby boomers retiring and overloading the system with aging patients that need more care, and the doctor pipeline dwindling, there is a fundamental need to change the delivery model before it crashes. 

report released last summer from a private foundation that studies health care systems ranked the U.S. last overall among 11 of the wealthiest nations on the planet. Where do we rank first? Cost of care – ours is the most expensive health care system in the world. Unfortunately, a bigger spend does not produce better patient outcomes. The U.S. underperforms in many areas like access, choice, efficiency, and effective care. 

Take a look at the health care stats and trends in our infographic below that tell the story. What’s that great saying about the future? The only way to predict the future is to create it. Knowing the facts can help you prepare for the changes that are coming your way. Knowing the facts can start getting you out of survival mode and into a proactive approach that helps you and your patients thrive in a new and better model. There is no “riding out” the changes. Staying in status quo mode puts your health care facility at risk. 


(Click the image for the full graphic)

The information in this infographic is both frightening and exciting. Everyone knows we need to do things differently and should have made changes years ago. Now evolving patient population demographics, payer models, and government regulation are forcing the changes. Smart health care leaders will see this new dynamic as an opportunity to improve the health of their patient population and get on better financial footing.  

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