Tom S. Lee, Ph.D.

Tom S. Lee, Ph.D., is the CEO of SA Ignite. He is a serial entrepreneur and leading expert in healthcare value-based program topics such as MACRA, MIPS, APMs, and Meaningful Use. He is the father of two small children and after a frightening personal healthcare experience, his concern for their future in the world inspired him to create a company that matched his personal passion: driving innovation in the public healthcare system. Leveraging its cloud-based physician performance analytics and reporting platform, SA Ignite has grown to serve 16,000+ physicians in 80+ healthcare organizations. Tom is a member of the Young Presidents’ Organization and earned a Bachelor of Science with Distinction in Physics from Stanford, a PhD in Physics from U.C. Berkeley where he was a National Science Foundation Fellow, and an MBA with Distinction from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
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Recent Posts

February 17, 2017

“Moneyball” and “Hoosiers”: Models for Optimizing Participation in the QPP

Participation in value-based programs is on the rise. Growth of ACOs is up 11%, and CMS estimates that 30% of Medicare payments are currently flowing through alternative payment models (APM). This milestone was reached 11 months ahead of schedule according to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which expects Medicare payments flowing through APMs to reach 50% by the end of 2018.

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