Culture Matters - Building the Wise Firm blog

What an Everyday Object Taught Me About Being Positive

Written by Veronica Vaughn | August 22, 2019

One morning, I was deep in thought, prioritizing my duties for the day. I happened to look down and saw my keychain lying on the desk next to my mouse pad and thought, Wow!

You see, it was once a cute little white metal bear with dangling arms and legs, and the “I Love NY” logo stamped on its chest. My nephew had gone to the big apple a few years back and had gotten it for me as a souvenir. It was still on my keychain for sentimental reasons, even though it was not as cute as it once was. But until this moment, I hadn't noticed just how badly it had deteriorated!

These days, it’s a shadow of its former self. It has lost its arms and legs, some of the white paint has rubbed off and the “I Love NY” logo is long gone. When I saw this pitiful little bear that morning, I initially thought with a chuckle, this ratty thing looks just like I feel — beat up and defeated. 

But what I also noticed was that even though it looked worn out, it had something I didn’t — a smile.

I have had a lot of challenges this year, personally as well as professionally. I have had more valleys than peaks and have struggled with faith, confidence, and personal and professional relationships. Like this bear, I too was worn out. And yet he still had one up on me, he was smiling back!

You might think it's silly to compare myself to a little metal bear hanging off a keychain at that moment, that bear symbolized positivity.

We all go through hardships and day-to-day struggles, whether it be in the workplace, at home, with our health or finances. But how often do we go through the motions without stopping to self-reflect and give thanks for what we do have? Not to mention, how we are subconsciously affecting those around us. What face are we putting forth to our clients, leaders and colleagues?

I have so much to be thankful for and to smile about, and I regret the time I’ve lost succumbing to negative energy. I’m excited to be a #positivity champion and to be conscious of the energy I am sharing with those around me. 

To quote Stanley Gordon West, “Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and cry alone.”

About the Author

Veronica Vaughn is a positive energy champion who is passionate about helping others see the value in intentional gratitude.