Culture Matters - Building the Wise Firm blog

The Power of a Grateful Heart

Written by HORNE | November 23, 2015

I have a mentor who repeatedly reminds me that “gratitude takes what we have and turns it into more.”  Gratitude is indeed a powerful tool that shapes our perspective. Yet, it is a discipline—not our natural default, and so it must be practiced.

As part of my personal morning routine, I usually make a gratitude list. (I won’t say “always.”) Now, some people say to write down three things you’re thankful for…others say just to name one or two.  For me, my list can be as long as 50 or 60 items some days. It is amazing what we can see when we look for it.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week with our family and friends, there seems nothing more obvious to discuss than gratefulness. After all, it is very HORNE-like to talk about what we are thankful for.

So, in honor of Thanksgiving, and in the spirit of this blog, I give you my HORNE gratitude list.

Today I am grateful. 

  • I am grateful for HORNE as a firm and for each individual who makes us who we are.

  • I am grateful for a place where I can be my imperfect self.

  • I am grateful that I can take risks here and that failure isn’t final.

  • I am grateful for leaders who look past today, anticipating tomorrow, and prepare us for what is coming.

  • I am grateful to work alongside some of the most positive and fun (and smart) people in the world.

  • I am grateful for the friendships I have made here.

  • I am grateful to those who push me outside of my comfort zone and inspire me to be even better.

  • I am grateful to be a part of an organization whose core values mirror my own.

  • I am grateful to do what I love.

I encourage you to take the time this week to be intentional about being grateful. Make your own list of what you’re thankful for and celebrate your blessings this holiday season.  Happy Thanksgiving!