5 Ways to Press Through the Hard Days

Do you ever find yourself sitting at your desk, trying to remember why you’re here? Why do we continue to come in every day to THIS job at THIS firm?

I spend over 50% of my waking hours Monday through Friday (and let’s be real, some weekends if I am given the opportunity) working for this company. There have been a few moments over the course of the last year that I have asked myself this question:  Why am I here?

But I know my “why,” and that’s what helps me push through the hard days.

  1. I remember the opportunity I have before me.

We work in a growing profession, and I specifically work in a segment of our business where developing new business is not following the old model.

It can feel like a roller coaster, to say the least – but I love it. I am very passionate about what I do, even in the low times. And it’s the opportunity to grow the firm and myself that helps me refocus and keep my energy up.

  1. I focus on how special it is to be a part of the Wise Firm.

HORNE is different than other firms. I can say that because I experience it every day.  Even during the hard days I can remember HORNE’s zeal and vision for an organizational culture unlike anywhere else. With a passion for people, challenging the status quo and innovative thinking - it really is special to be a part of building the Wise Firm.

  1. I celebrate getting to be myself.

HORNE not only focuses on our clients with great passion, but we also focus on the uniqueness of team members – real people with real personalities. Our team is all about “We,” a team serving together for a common goal. But we really get to decide how that looks. HORNE’s desire is for everyone to feel a sense of belonging in everyone’s unique way. I have very high expectations for the place I work. I expect to have a voice, be heard, seen and know that I have an opportunity to grow.  HORNE has exceeded those expectations for me. Every day I get to work with others who allow my unique personality to be seen and allow me to direct and own my career. But the real difference for me is that I also have the opportunity to engage with team members who have a desire to make a difference in their own personal way. 

  1. I enjoy that I work at firm that challenges the status quo.

HORNE continues to look forward and refuses to have the mindset, “This is how we’ve always done it.”  In the current climate of startups and continual change, it is clear that it takes this type of forward thinking approach to grow and thrive.  From processes to personnel, I work at a firm who challenges the status quo every day, for each other and for our clients. One of the ways I experience this is through my Government Service team where many of our leaders are women. In fact, many of our Texas projects (where I work) are lead almost entirely by women.  In the world of public accounting, that is most definitely challenging the status quo.

  1. I use my voice.

I already said that HORNE is always challenging the status quo. But this isn’t just for “the firm.”  It’s also for the team members. I consistently hear team members suggesting how to be better and how to improve processes, client relations, and other thought leadership ideas. And guess what? They’re actually heard. No, not every idea is gold, not every idea is a YES.  But I am working daily in an environment that encourages asking questions, and anticipation and innovation has become a part of our daily routine and culture. When a hard day hits, I use my voice to ask for encouragement, or to share potential solutions to obstacles that might be contributing to my hard day.

If you’re like me, you’ve experienced hard days, and you might even have a few more headed your way. While we are certainly not perfect, I’m thankful that I get to work at HORNE and be a part of building the Wise Firm.  Even on the hard days, I can press on because I know there’s a bright future and endless opportunities. Do you know your “why?”


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About the Author

Whitney is a government services supervisor focusing on governmental compliance and monitoring oversight for various state agencies. She is a servant leader who is passionate about building the Wise Firm - a place where team members are encouraged to achieve their dreams and reach their full potential in their own unique way.

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