beBetter. A Blog by Joey Havens. Accounting for Your Leadership Potential

You So Lucky

Written by Joey Havens | August 05, 2015

One of my best friends and I share the text message, “You So Lucky,” with each other whenever we see the other one enjoying life. It makes me smile every time he sends it to me and I am always excited to send it to him. He once jokingly commented to me that I needed to put it in my blog. 

His challenge got me to thinking about why we developed this fun habit and what it means.  As I reflect on it, it has a lot of meaning and purpose. First, we both realize how very lucky we are.  We have certainly enjoyed life more than we deserve and can only thank God for the many blessings He has poured out on us. 

I have always been impressed with my friend’s grateful heart and positive attitude.  He has had his share of challenges including the loss of both parents and his only sibling.  He has stated to me more than once, “Joey, whenever you feel like you are having a bad day or the challenge is too great, look around, there’s always someone who would swap places with you.” 

Our little text allows us to remind each other how lucky and blessed we are.  It also reminds us to be present in the moment and enjoy these special moments in life. And they really are precious.  Honestly, it also might be our way of sharing that we might be just a little jealous at the moment. I think it also serves as a slight hint to “not forget about me next time.” 

I know when I send the text to him that it certainly carries the message of “I’m happy for you and you deserve it.”  He has been such a special person in my life and I could not be happier to see him enjoying life to its fullest. 

In addition to challenging me to include our text in my blog, he has also challenged me to have more fun, noting that I am too serious. As I reflect on his observation, I know he is providing me with some great feedback because he cares. I do believe we should work hard and play hard with lots of fearless unrivaled flexibility. 

I know the text message, “You so lucky,” applies to me— and I am so thankful I have a great friend to regularly remind me.