beBetter. A Blog by Joey Havens. Accounting for Your Leadership Potential

This Is How You Leave a Legacy

Written by Joey Havens | March 30, 2016

On a recent trip to Sage Valley, in Graniteville, SC, I learned a lesson in what it really means to have a meaningful life of service to others and how we are living our dash every day, which determines our legacy. As I walked those beautiful manicured fairways tucked away in the beauty of God’s creation with trees, blooming azaleas, beautiful clear lakes and streams, the solitude and reverence created an impression and peace that is hard to describe. 

On our last day at Sage Valley and just before we were to tee off, one of my playing partners, Sam, and I went into the little chapel that is set in the woods close to the first tee.  (I admit after the first two days of golf, I needed and was seeking some divine help.) The chapel was erected in honor of Reverend H.E. Wyatt, father of Sage Valley owner Weldon Wyatt. Rev. Wyatt’s bible and personal notes rested in a glass case behind the altar of this beautiful wood chapel.  

As we entered, we noticed the chapel itself was warm and just as immaculate as Sage Valley itself.  Every window clean, every pew shiny and the floor sparkling with wood grains. We knew we were in a special place and what a wonderful way for Weldon Wyatt to honor and remember the love and work of his father.

As we made our way down the aisle past the tiny four foot pews on each side, Sam and I were simply silent as we took it all in. As we approached the front of the chapel where the case held Rev. Wyatt’s bible, notes and letters, we each began to explore and read from his notes. 

In a personal letter, written by Rev. Wyatt himself as he reflected on his life, his words and reflection demonstrated a legacy of love, service to others, strong character and the inner desire to continue to be even better. 

“If I could go and start over, and if I could choose any life I wanted and any pay day of my choice, I would choose the same life and preach in the same churches once again, but I would ask God for one change: Help me Lord to do it better.”

His words so eloquently define what our life’s legacy should be about. Service above self, giving unselfishly to others and only wanting to be even better.