beBetter. A Blog by Joey Havens. Accounting for Your Leadership Potential

Thanksgiving Is Really Cool

Written by Joey Havens | November 26, 2019

Think about the Pilgrims in 1621 who hosted the first Thanksgiving dinner and how little they had to be thankful for compared to the many comforts we enjoy today. Thanksgiving is really a cool celebration as we step away from the fast treadmill of life to pause with family and friends to just be thankful. Giving thanks to God for our blessings and sharing our love with each other.

Let’s make this holiday and these precious moments really special by truly being present with our family and friends. What if everyone shared one thing they were grateful for and we listened intently to each other as we share.
I’m thankful for our Wise Firm culture and all that you are doing to create a strong sense of belonging for everyone. Regardless of where we are, with grateful hearts, we can encourage those around us.

My prayer and wish is for a happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving week for you and your family. Enjoy, Celebrate and be Thankful! God Bless.