Why are we so quick to be advisory? Maybe because that’s how we built success in the past or that our personal nature is to be problem solvers. But often, we are advising on things that are really symptoms and might not be the core problem or the bigger challenge.
Learning to ask probing questions is a vital skill in increasing our effectiveness with clients. These questions are very powerful as they help “peel the onion” for more clarity. Fear of not having the answer or fear of inadequacy from inquiring about something on which we are not an expert can cause us to withdraw from these learning opportunities. But, if we’re brave enough to ask, questions increase our speed of learning as well as help build our collaboration skills.
Another benefit of asking questions is that it makes us more likable when done correctly. People appreciate authentic questions about them or their business and the questions demonstrate our interest in the other person.
Our opportunity to #beEvenBetter is to practice asking intentional probing questions and listening intently for clarity. The golden rule is to hold advice until we have gained full insight with our questions.
What is your takeaway from these thoughts? Mine is that questions precede advice!