One Small Thing

One small thing, if repeated daily, is not a small thing. It leads to big things and big impact. One good daily habit can be the difference in great and average. The difference in outstanding and typical. Small things are always easy to do or easy not to do. 

Daily things like:

  • Writing down three things to be grateful for
  • Reading 15 minutes a day
  • Creating one hour of focus time with no interruptions
  • Cutting off email and other notifications
  • Choosing a positive mindset
  • Taking 10 minutes to reflect and prioritize
  • Asking if this is what I should be doing or what I want to do?
  • Sharing face-to-face appreciation with one person
  • Routinely saying thank you

The impact of these and other good habits may be subtle in the short term but they have big impact on our future. One small thing, if repeated daily, is not a small thing. 


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