Intentionally Connecting to Create a Sense of Belonging

At HORNE, we’re on a journey to create a sense of belonging for everyone. Now, I realize we will not be the right team or the right place for everyone. Even so, there are team members who make us better and stronger as a team, but need help in finding that sense of belonging that we all long for and need. When we feel safe, when we have a true sense of belonging, we can grow into our best self and achieve our full potential. 

We all have an individual responsibility to seek that sense of belonging on our own, to push out of our comfort zones and try to connect with others in different ways.  This blog is about how a personal connection can help others find that sense of belonging.

This came to mind when I was doing one of my favorite things, spending time with my grandkids. What is it that makes a special bond between grandparents and grandkids?  When I thought about the answer to that question, I realized that I am very intentional with those special relationships. I spend the time to truly connect and not be just another adult in their little world.  When I am with them, I try to be completely present in the moment. 

I realized that as a grandparent, I am more intentional with my time, my words, my servant heart and my focus on being in the moment.  Aren’t these the same things that we need to extend to each other to experience a true sense of belonging?   

Let’s be intentional in those moments of truth with each other.  There’s a lot of ways for us to be intentional in connecting. Prioritizing that lunch or meeting with someone who we know we need to touch or just need to get to know better. Helping someone with a pressing deadline even when it might not be ours.  Taking the time to understand what our team members are really passionate about. Expressing appreciation for each other and why it made a difference for you. 

It’s simple, just take the time to interact and let the people around you know that you care, and show it with actions.


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Topics: Building a Wise Firm, Belonging

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