beBetter. A Blog by Joey Havens. Accounting for Your Leadership Potential

I Didn’t See My Shadow!

Written by Joey Havens | February 02, 2022

I turn 64 today! Yes, today is my birthday and as an introvert, I normally tell no one it’s my birthday. So odd how differently people react to this day. Many shout it out from the rooftops and we should as each one is a precious gift from God. When you are entering the fourth quarter, you tend to reflect more on things, you realize the clock might be running even faster than you think as we never know if we will get to the fourth quarter or how long we get to play.

I know I am much wiser about the many blessings I have every day and my appreciation for everyone in my life grows constantly. At 64, I don’t know if it’s my last day, last week, last month, last year or last decade, but I am more alive, more at peace and more grateful than when I was 34.

So please bear with me just a moment as I share a few tidbits of wisdom and gratitude. Some are fun, some are life-changing, some are expressions of gratitude, some are prayers for all of us, but they are all free-flowing this morning.

First, the gratitude. I’m so thankful for:

  • CeCe – my partner in life who makes me better
  • A wonderful lunch on Monday with Mom & Dad & CeCe
  • Mom’s birthday pie – YUM! What an expression of love
  • Loving Kids and Grandkids (7)
  • Mitzi’s (sister) expression of love to our extended family in crisis
  • Wow! Mike (brother) caught a 17-inch crappie Monday
  • Incredible team members and partners
  • Harvest of Stickers a beautiful 13 point whitetail buck
  • Prayer group Lee, Rusty and Neil
  • One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!
  • A loving and forgiving God
  • And each of you for inspiring me to share every week

My continued prayers for each of us:

  • May our days focus on kindness to others
  • May our hearts overflow with gratitude
  • May we have a zeal to be generous
  • Hoping the crappie bite comes early this spring
  • May the sting of COVID be silenced and freedoms restored
  • May the Wise Firm culture grow stronger #HORNE
  • Let’s express our love for each other

All glory and honor to my savior Jesus Christ.

My zeal to live, love, give and serve has never been stronger and we can each grow our zeal and joy as we serve others. Leave it better than you found it! Seek your full potential every day and help others seek theirs. God bless.