beBetter. A Blog by Joey Havens. Accounting for Your Leadership Potential

Every Day Is Thanksgiving

Written by Joey Havens | November 22, 2016

My family and I are blessed in so many ways that every day is a day of thanksgiving. I start each day by reflecting on things that I am grateful for.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving this week, I want to say thank you for taking your precious time to read this beBetter blog, joining in the conversation and sharing life experiences. 

Thank you for all of the wonderful memories, letters, emails, chats and texts. It’s your engagement and sharing that fuels the energy for me to share and I am so thankful for that support. You are making a difference for me, our firm and hopefully for team members and people that you serve.

I’m thankful for HORNE—a firm where we are building a #WiseFirm culture together. A firm where team members share their sense of belonging and feel safe to stretch for their full potential. I’m grateful to be part of a team whose foundation is We & Service. It’s refreshing to see team members focused on our mission of “Creating Value and Making a Difference.” 

I’m thankful to God for blessing me in so many ways. We will have all of our kids and grandkids (soon to be #6 in 2017) at our house for Thanksgiving dinner and we are grateful for this upcoming special time.

My prayer and wish is for a happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving week for you and your family. I hope that you will take time this week to reflect on three things that you are grateful for every day. And then turn that into a daily habit of being intentionally grateful. It’s amazing what an attitude of gratitude will do for your perspective. God Bless.