I’m so excited to be headed back to my camp just north of Vicksburg, MS, close to Eagle Lake and inside the Mississippi River levee. What a special place to enjoy God’s creation and the beauty of all the nature around us.
I admit this place is where I can totally relax and disconnect from our busy world. As I have shared before, I keep the Christmas lights on year-round to remind me what a special blessing this place and time is. I hope you have a special place also that helps you disconnect and recharge.
As I drive up today, here’s Santa! As you can see, he’s having a rough day, and I immediately realize that Santa needs some help. Thankfully, Santa is fine and it only takes a moment to get him back on the front porch. So I decided to leave him blown up to enjoy the day too.
The point here is that even Santa has bad days. But look, as I drove up, Santa was waving at me to help him. Santa was helpable. That, my friends, is key for us to grow as individuals and leaders. We grow the most when we are vulnerable and ask for feedback. When we are helpable, our team grows with us. Being helpable is a trait of leadership that is simply absent too often.
Be human or maybe be Santa – but be helpable!