beBetter. A Blog by Joey Havens. Accounting for Your Leadership Potential

Are You Ready to Be Better?

Written by Joey Havens | June 25, 2014

Every day we have the opportunity to work toward reaching our full potential—it’s a journey that makes us better for having daily reached for it. This journey for our full potential is laden with opportunities, abundance, self confidence and a unique feeling of accomplishment.  It’s small things that separate typical and average from great and exceptional. Funny, if we decide in our minds that we are “good enough,” we have just begun going backwards .  

I truly believe it is my life’s calling to help others see and understand how to realize their full leadership potential. My personal journey to reach my full leadership potential has taken many twists, turns and dips along the way. So, this blog is partly personal and partly professional. I hope to offer my own insights and some examples of how we’re challenging our team members at HORNE to reach for their leadership potential. At HORNE, it’s a pursuit we call “Be Better.”  

Part of my own journey to being better includes trying to be more open and sharing more of my own leadership lessons with rising leaders. I firmly believe that everyone leads. Forget titles, forget seniority. Reading this blog will challenge you (and me) to lead from whatever seat we are sitting in as we make beBetter a mindset. It’s about moving past pipe dreams and being comfortable, to owning a real vision, taking action and growing.   

I intend for this blog to include both my personal and professional (and sometimes that’s an emotional) perspective. If you like roller coasters, please jump on and ride along, accounting for our leadership potential is always a very exciting ride!