beBetter. A Blog by Joey Havens. Accounting for Your Leadership Potential

Are You Leading With the Benefit of Good Intentions?

Written by Joey Havens | April 19, 2017

I love the commercial of Charles Barkley walking in the airport with his two buddies and as a mother and baby pass close by, he inquires if she would like for him to kiss her baby. The baby immediately starts crying and I start laughing out loud every time. We know the commercial is a comical look at Barkley’s sizable ego and that scene is intended to show his two buddies how important and loved he is rather than making a special moment for the mother and baby. 

Let’s imagine the same scene provided the benefit of good intentions. The baby might start laughing while the mother smiles as Barkley has lifted the burden of entertaining a fussy baby while traveling. 

Providing the benefit of good intentions is a game changer because it helps each other bring our best to the game. If we look to blame or begin with thoughts of faults, doubt or imperfection, we will be right every time. On the other hand, if we give up the natural inclination to blame or doubt and provide the benefit of good intentions, we will get a better outcome every time.

Today, the benefit of good intentions is even more critical as being innovative requires that we move faster, make more mistakes and learn from those mistakes.  Learn Fast Learn Forward Learn Together. Let the power of good intentions always be present as we innovate to meet the accelerating pace of transformation in how we do business. Are you leading with the benefit of good intentions?