beBetter. A Blog by Joey Havens. Accounting for Your Leadership Potential

A Prayer for All of Us

Written by Joey Havens | June 10, 2020

Having the intent for HORNE and myself to make a difference during this time of social unrest, I wanted to share my prayer with you. Only with an intentional sense of belonging that provides each of us the safe place to share will we make the progress we all desire. It’s not one huge step. It’s lots of small steps, prayers and conversations every day that will turn the tide on individual and systemic racism. Together we can #beEvenBetter every day. Let’s not only pray together—let’s make progress together. 

I believe that our daily thoughts and prayers lead to our attitudes and actions. I know that we need God to lead us forward to a better place. What if we started every day with this prayer for each other?   

Our Father in heaven,

I ask that you pull back the blinders from our eyes so that we might see the fear, prejudice, bias and arrogance towards those that don’t look like us.  

Open our ears to truly listen to each other. 

Open our minds so that we might understand a history and point of view different than our own. 

Open our hearts to connection.

Allow us to be vulnerable with each other and instill in us all the benefit of good intentions in each conversation.

Teach us, lead us, and, most of all, change us. Racism is destructive to our lives and our society and we know that real change can only come from proactive engagement mixed with your perfect love.  

Instill in each of us the courage to drop the shield of “being right” and replace it with the shield of “together.”  

Show us the path of forgiveness. As you have forgiven us, we must also forgive each other. This is the only way forward.    

May we define who we are based solely on our character, not the color of our skin.   

The evil that divides and harms isn’t bound by race. We condemn it. We pray that we will all come together with a vision of hope while seeking our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.   

We know in our hearts it will not be a perfect journey. We know it will not be easy. Yet, we know it will be worth it and may we glorify You with our growing love for each other.  

May peace and joy fill the hearts and souls of each precious person that steps up to be part of the solution.   

In Your Holy Name, I pray. Amen