beBetter. A Blog by Joey Havens. Accounting for Your Leadership Potential

A Compliment Never Grows Old

Written by Joey Havens | October 08, 2014

A team member recently shared a compliment that he received from a client. What really struck me was he said, “You know, Joey, a client compliment never grows old.”  These words rang true to me and helped me to realize how closely client compliments should tie to living the mission of our organizations.

I think it’s time we focus on earning more compliments as leaders by focusing on living our mission statements. And I think it’s time we celebrate them with our teams when they come.

We can earn compliments in many different ways and in a variety of areas, but I believe it begins and ends with establishing strong relationships. Our distinction in the marketplace and our impact as leaders in our organizations can be claimed by building relationships face-to-face that are personal and demonstrate how much we care and how committed we are to making a positive difference. It is the very manner in which we serve each other and strive to live out our mission that provides the most opportunities to earn compliments every day.

I hope that you will hear and share a compliment this week. Let’s celebrate these moments that help affirm our mission - these special moments and words that bring real meaning to what we do and why we do it.  If we do this together, our mission, like the compliment, will never grow old.


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